Point Road

Point Road - Art Room

Point Road Art Room

Point Road - Music Room

music room

Point Road - Girls Bathroom - Gym Hallway

girls bathroom by gym

Point Road - Girls Bathroom - Multipurpose Room Hallway

girls bathroom by multipurpose room

Point Road - Faculty Bathroom - Multipurpose Room Hallway

faculty bathroom

Point Road - Boys Bathroom - Multipurpose Room Hallway

boys bathroom multipurpose

Point Road - Boys Bathroom - Gym Hallway

boys bathroom gym wing

Markham Place

Markham Place - Art Room

mps art room

Markham Place - Music Room

mps music room

Markham Place - 6th Grade Science Classroom

mps 6 grade science

Markham Place - Girls Bathroom - Gym Wing

girls gym bathroom

Markham Place - Girls Bathroom - 7th/8th Grade Hallway

7th/8th girls bathroom

Markham Place - Boys Bathroom - Gym Wing

boys bathroom gym wing

Markham Place - Boys Bathroom - 7th/8th Grade Hallway

7th/8th grade hallway boys bathroom

Markham Place - Girls Bathroom - 5th Grade Hallway

5th grade girls bathroom

Markham Place - Faculty Bathroom

faculty bathroom - toilet and sink

Markham Place - Boys Bathroom - 5th Grade Hallway

5th grade boys bathroom - 5 stalls and urinals