About Our District
The Little Silver School District is a Pre-K – 8 suburban district located in Eastern Monmouth County. Of the two district schools, the Point Road School houses Pre-K through fourth grade, and the Markham Place School houses fifth through eighth grade. The district has an outstanding reputation and high student achievement levels. Our high quality staff works diligently to ensure that the curriculum reflects the rigor of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in all content areas. Additionally, the Little Silver community supports the district through their involvement in various organizations including the PTO and the Education Foundation of Little Silver. These organizations provide learning opportunities to our students and fundraise to support the purchasing of resources that enhance our programs.
Core Belief Statements
We believe our children learn best when...
● they are given the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential by experiencing an environment where they feel safe, supported, and encoruaged to take risks
● they are provided with structure, boundaries, and expectations that are clear and consistent
● they are exposed to multiple pathways of learning and a variety of perspectives
● they understand that their voices are heard and valued
We believe the role of the parents/guardians is to...
● PREPARE (sleep, at home academics, develop appropriate interpersonal skills, routines, materials/supplies)
● PARTNER (accountability, relationship, respect, communications, model, support, take an interest, appreciation for educators)
● PARTICIPATE (get involved, parent organizations, community)
● SUPPORT all children in the Little Silver community
We believe the role of the staff is to...
● develop a positive, trusting, and respectful relationship with students, colleagues, and parents
● help students develop civic consciousness and engage the community by providing windows, mirror, and doors in every classroom for every child
● inspire students to achieve beyond what they think they can by planting the seeds of wonder and desire to learn
We believe the role of the community is to...
● engage with the school district to develop and work collaboratively toward a long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship
● provide a socially and economically healthy foundation in which the school district can thrive
● respect the goals of the school district and trust that community input will always
be valued
We believe excellence in education includes:
● health, happiness, and balance
● an outstanding staff that is supported in their efforts to provide unique opportunities for individualized student success
● a learning environment that provides positive and personal experiences in keeping with current educational standards and best practices
Mission Statement
The Little Silver Borough Public School District, in partnership with families and the community, is invested in continued excellence by inspiring critical thinking, fostering resiliency and intellectual curiosity, and promoting acceptance so each and every individual achieves their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders in an ever-changing global community.