EIO: Enrichment, Intervention, Organization

Our last period of the day is our EIO period which stands for Enrichment, Intervention, Organization.

EIO is part of a research-based middle school scheduling model to provide students with time to work on skills, study content, organize, and improve their executive functioning. At Markham Place, students are also scheduled into our music program, enrichment, math/reading intervention, and student support/study skills sessions as needed. Students can get help, but EIO time should not be used exclusively for homework as it is an academic part of the school day.

Our teachers within each grade level have compiled an amazing bank of resources for students to support their growth during EIO with skill-based practice in each content area. Below is a link to the bank of resources for Grades 6-8, to be used by students during EIO. 

Grade 5 EIO Tasks are communicated directly to students within their homeroom EIO classes. EIO Tasks for 5th grade Encore classes are below: