About Markham Place

A responsive educational environment optimizes the chances to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of the adolescent learner, while celebrating the uniqueness of each child.


At Markham Place School, we believe in building a responsive community, while holding high academic standards in a caring atmosphere.  Through the efforts of the staff, and with the support of the Little Silver community, students are provided with a solid educational foundation, which prepares them for future experiences.  Knowing the unique intellectual, social, physical and emotional needs of the Markham Place students is as important as knowing the curriculum that we teach.  To accomplish this, teachers work closely with their students, monitoring growth and providing guidance and support in a warm, nurturing environment.  Expectations for student achievement are high, and every effort is made to help our students find success both as learners and good citizens.  Through the inclusion of service learning and character education, students are exposed to various responsibilities of citizenship and are taught the continued need for cooperation as a life skill.

Our Academic Program

Markham Place School students in fifth through eighth grade are challenged by the curriculum offered. We strongly believe in a rigorous academic program that takes into consideration the needs of a variety of learning styles.  Our Curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, the Common Core Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards and provides for a continuous growth approach to content instruction and skill development. To promote professional growth, the Markham Place faculty is kept current in their fields of instruction through various staff development opportunities.  The district Technology and School Improvement Committees (ScIP) work along with the office of Curriculum and Instruction to support the staff in their professional learning and technology goals.  Highly rigorous Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) are developed collaboratively, and they include measurable student achievement outcomes.  The goals often focus on areas of professional learning that closely correlate to district initiatives and are supported through job-embedded professional development.  There is a sitting Principal’s Advisory Committee that includes at least one representative from each grade level and related arts team.  Members of this committee meet with the principal monthly to discuss school-related issues.  They are an action team that works collaboratively to assure the safety and security of all students and examines school-based issues and their impact on staff, students and parents.  They serve as liaisons to their teammates, providing interdependent collaboration among faculty members.  Additionally, all grade level and related arts teams engage in Common Planning Time (CPT) where they discuss grade level issues, potential cross-curricular opportunities and other school initiatives.

Community Support

Funding from the Little Silver Board of Education and the Education Foundation of Little Silver supports the purchase of quality instructional technology located throughout the building.  Computers are located in the computer lab, school library, on wireless carts and in each classroom.  Additionally, Markham students have access to many online databases and web-based resources that help to enrich and support our Curriculum.  All students have daily access to Chromebooks (1-to-1).  There are also interactive white boards or SmartTVs in most classrooms.  A web site is available with information about Markham Place School and the Little Silver School District at www.littlesilverschools.org.  Teachers communicate with parents and the school community through their own district webpages. Additionally, Little Silver Public Schools shares important information with the community by utilizing Facebook, Twitter and other social media.  The efforts of the Little Silver Parent Teacher Organization have enabled the school to enrich the educational experiences of our students.  The PTO funds extra-curricular events for the children and cultural arts experiences to enhance their learning.  The school has sought community input through participation in policy, curriculum, strategic planning committees and parent support groups.  Parents provide multiple resources to the school in the form of chaperons, guest speakers and classroom support.