Health Forms & Links
All health forms are available for download within the Parent Portal. If you need a paper copy of any form, it may be picked up in either school's main office.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call (732) 741-4022 ext. 2000 or (732) 741-7112 ext. 3000.
Medical Forms
Sports Physical Information and Forms
Every student must have a current physical exam completed within 364 days of the start date of each season: Annual Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form
If a current physical exam is on file, but completed more than 90 days from the start of the season, a Health History Update Questionnaire is required.
The following health information is required to be read and acknowledged by both parents and student each year:
Please note the documents above which require a parent/guardian sign-off form* (Sudden Cardiac Death, Opiod Use and Misuse, Concussion). These forms, whether personally distributed or electronically uploaded, must be individually signed and returned. One generic signature for all documents is unacceptable.
*Please only return sign-off sheets to the nurse.